The #1 Deepgram alternative

Why Product Leaders choose Speechmatics over Deepgram

Accuracy is THE metric you should pay attention to. Without that, everything else crumbles.

✔️ More accurate

✔️ Broader language coverage

✔️ Built for global enterprise

Speechmatics v Deepgram accuracy

Hitting the mark with pinpoint accuracy

Our ASR is best in class

Companies with high volumes of audio requiring accuracy are looking for an alternative to Deepgram.

Our inclusive technology works regardless of the accent or dialect, even in challenging environments, proven by an independent evaluation based on Mozilla's open-source dataset.

We speak your language

Transcribe and translate over half the world’s population, in real-time.

From Bulgarian, to German, and even Vietnamese, we transcribe 50+ different languages - compared to Deepgram who transcribe just 34.

With Speechmatics, the only real question you need to ask yourself is... Where next?

Hit the perfect balance

Outperforming the competition, even at low-latency

Receive transcripts in a few hundred milliseconds through our partial transcription.

Get transcription back fast, within <1s, with a customizable delay between 2s and 10s of when to finalize the prediction.

This gives you control to deliver the required speed and accuracy, in real-time.

“Working with Speechmatics enables us to seamlessly provide our customers with quality, automated speech analytics as part of our solution."

Mariano Tan, President & CEO, Prosodica

"We're delighted to work with Speechmatics to drive our live and batch captioning – they continue to be ahead of the pack for all key quality metrics."

Tom Wootton, Product Leader, Red Bee

"They consistently outperform other vendors for word error rate and punctuation - playing a pivotal role in the development of our workspace."

Maarten Verwaest, CRO, Limecraft

The proof is in the pudding. Or budino. Or मिठाई.

Test results are great, but nothing beats a live demo. Below is a live stream of four international radio broadcasts, with live transcription and translation both shown, in real-time.

  • Ubisoft
  • ENCO
  • 3play-media-main-logo
  • Red Bee new logo
  • Veritone Logo
  • NVidia Inception Program
  • Logo-AI media

Request a demo to see our enterprise-grade ASR in action

When you choose Speechmatics, you gain access to tech that delivers unmatched accuracy.