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speech interactions into your products

The ultimate API for seamless voice interactions. Join our waitlist now and be among the first to go with the Flow.

GUI, keyboard, mouse, touchscreen. Now voice.

Flow gives you best-in-class speech technology to ensure every speech interaction is finally as natural as human conversation.


Conversation without pauses

Flow listens and responds to every single word, in real-time. Interruptions and crosstalk welcome.


Understands every voice

We're building this for everyone. Any language, any accent, any dialect. Flow is built for a global audience.


Customizable and secure

Hosted on our own infrastructure, Flow is customizable for your data & privacy needs.

This is foundational speech technology for the Conversational AI era

Packed with features to ensure your voice-powered product is inclusive, reliable and works in the real world.

High Accuracy

Flow can handle various accents as well as non-native speakers, which ensures high accuracy even in noisy environments.

Speaker Diarization

Flow can respond to multiple people in conversation, or only to the primary speaker, ignoring background noise and distraction.

Flexible Deployment

Flow can be used in a SaaS environment, but also used via containers or on-prem for those with extra security requirements.

Customer Experiences

Background noise impacting your output? With Flow, block out background noise, leaving your voice interactions world-class.

Revolutionizing every industry

AI-powered voice interactions for unlimited use cases

If you’re building an AI assistant, or want to upgrade how voice is used in your industry, Flow will help you build seamless speech interactions. 


Customer Support

Streamlining customer support in call centers, making interactions more accessible and efficient. 


Industrial control

Enabling hands-free control of industrial equipment in noisy environments.  



Assisting students in understanding lecture content not in their native language or providing detailed explanations post-lecture. Flow can act as a personal tutor, allowing students to review challenging areas or explore topics of interest further.

Language learning

Bilingual Interaction

Flow’s bilingual models support users who speak multiple languages, allowing them to interact in their preferred language. It can also facilitate real-time conversations and serve as a language-learning tool, giving an always-available partner to practice speaking with. 



Enhancing software accessibility for visually impaired users by enabling conversational interactions, advancing beyond simple voice dictation and control. 


When can I get my hands on Flow?

Flow is being released gradually to a select group of early partners in fall 2024 and a public preview in the following months.

Please sign up to our waitlist and make Flow work for you!

How is Flow different from a voice assistant?

Flow, itself, is not an assistant – it is a toolset for building conversational AI experiences into other products.

It enables any company looking to integrate speech interactions into its products to benefit from Speechmatics market-leading accuracy, real-time ASR and speaker diarization. In short, it’s a one-stop-shop for adding speech into products.

In theory, Flow could act as the voice ‘layer’ for an infinite number of different AI assistants.

Can I customize Flow for my use case? Can it integrate with my systems?

Yes, Flow can be tailored to understand industry-specific terms and adapt to various use cases. Its flexible architecture allows for customization to meet the unique needs of different enterprises. Work with us!

How does Flow ensure privacy & security?

Flow is provided through Speechmatics-hosted infrastructure, ensuring that all voice data and processing is done securely. This eliminates the need to send sensitive information to third-party cloud services.

What is the roadmap for adding new languages and dialects to Flow?

We are continuously expanding our language support.

Our current focus is on increasing the coverage of Flow within various dialects and accents in our existing 50+ languages, with plans to add 5-10 new languages annually based on market demand.

We’re developing more innovative diarization models to improve our ability to handle increasing numbers of speakers & improve robustness in crowded environments.

Join Flow’s waitlist

Flow is how you build truly incredible customer experiences, all powered by voice. Join the waitlist today, it’s going to be game-changing.