The SVG Summit has attracted over 1,000 industry professionals from across the country and around the world for 13 years. The event focuses on all aspects of sports production, content creation and distribution through keynotes, panel discussions and networking sessions.
We were lucky enough to be invited along to speak as part of a panel discussion on the topic “AI vs. Machine Learning: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters”. With a focus on sports broadcasting as a business, we couldn’t turn down the opportunity.
Chaired by Tab Butler, MLB Network, Tom spoke alongside a number of industry experts to give his opinion and insight into AI vs. Machine Learning from a speech perspective.
The panel discussion lasted for 45 minutes, and my favourite highlight from Tom’s insight was,
“There’s a phrase called the AI effect, which basically says that AI is anything we can’t do yet”.
Chris Witmayer, NASCAR Productions, Director of Broadcast, Production and New Media Technology said,
“There are 3 types of AI: narrow AI, general intelligence which states it is equivalent to the human brain and the final one being super intelligence where machines are fundamentally smarter than humans.”
Included in the summit were a number of networking sessions and an exhibition which were great for meeting new people in the industry but also catching up with existing customers and contacts. It’s safe to say that it was pretty cold in New York, but when in New York, you have to explore! So, in the evenings after the Summit, we ate pancakes, saw the Statue of Liberty, explored Times Square and we couldn’t miss seeing the Rockefeller Tree! We even managed to go ice skating at Bryant Park, because you can’t be in New York at Christmas time without going ice skating.
And, to sum up our few days stateside in the -2 degrees weather, watch our vlog below. Georgina Robertson, Speechmatics