Early in October we invited Jim Stokes from CamFire and Dave ‘Robbo’ Robertson (former East Cambs fire chief) in to give us some all-important fire safety training. Jim took us through the uses of different fire extinguishers and we then got to head outside to have a go with each of them. Dave then put our 5 fire wardens through their paces with a couple of hours of learning to help keep us all safe.
The CEO’s beard is coming on nicely so we thought we’d support him by donning stick-on facial hair ourselves and momentarily rebranding as Tashmatics!… Benedikt really appreciated the encouragement of his team! October also brought inaugural Hallowe’en celebrations to Brookmount Court when meeting room Portacabin became a spooky ‘Cabin in the Woods’ for the day. We had a pumpkin carving competition and there were ghastly treats to keep us all going. Check out the artistic flair!! 31st October was a lively day as we also had Steve Bond in the office taking photos. From updated headshots to action pics of us all hard at work. Watch this space for new images coming soon! Charlotte Brown, Speechmatics