Figure 1: Transcription Word Error Rate (WER) from Google and Speechmatics on the CoVoST2 speech translation test set. Lower scores are better.
Figure 2: BiLingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) scores from Google and Speechmatics on the CoVoST2 speech translation test set. Higher scores are better.
Figure 3: COMET scores from Google and Speechmatics on the CoVoST2 speech translation test set. Higher scores are better.
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Author | Caroline Dockes |
Acknowledgements | Ana Olssen, Andrew Innes, Benedetta Cevoli, Chris Waple, Dominik Jochec, Dumitru Gutu, Georgina Robertson, James Gilmore, John Hughes, Markus Hennerbichler, Nelson Kondia, Nick Gerig, Owais Aamir Thungalwadi, Owen O'Loan, Stuart Wood, Tom Young, Tomasz Swider, Tudor Evans, Venkatesh Chandran, Vignesh Umapathy and Yahia Abaza. |