Blog - Use Cases
Oct 20, 2023 | Read time 3 min

Four game-changing priorities to supercharge your media monitoring

Discover the keys to Media Monitoring excellence with four game-changing priorities. Elevate your strategy with Speechmatics and stay ahead of the game.
Nicolas Sierra-RamirezAccount Executive

With the proliferation of online media and increased levels of digitization, the Media Monitoring industry is changing and growing at an impressive rate. As the global Media Monitoring tools market is set to grow at an impressive 16.4% CAGR over the period 2023 to 2030, now is the time for solution providers to look for ways to improve their offerings.

To help you grow at the speed the Media Monitoring solutions market demands, we've got four major priorities for you to ask of your current offering:

1) The Need for Speed 🚀

Is your Media Monitoring solution fast enough to keep pace with an ever-evolving conversation in real-time? Can it stay ahead of the stories and protect its brand reputation? At Speechmatics, we have the capability to help you capture mentions immediately across a range of media by converting speech into text in less than a second.

Just recently, a Global Media Monitoring company switched from Google to Speechmatics' Real-Time Speech API alerting on brand mentions in less than 60 seconds. This enabled their customers to act on trends and not fall behind. Our speed is just one of many reasons we're considered best-in-class.

2) Going Global 🌎

Does your Media Monitoring solution have the capability to effectively offer an accessible, global solution to everyone, everywhere? Gone are the days of US and UK-centric media dominating the landscape. In a truly global world, you need a speech technology provider that leaves no market untapped. Speechmatics offers language support for over half the world's population.

Having recently added an additional 14 languages to our coverage – taking the total to 50 languages – we're well-positioned to support you in any area. We've got more languages in the pipeline, so if there's a market we don't cover, let us know and we can build it. We spin up new languages in weeks using self-supervised learning.

3) No Place to Hide 🙈

Can you maximize your customer's ability to offer highly accurate, accelerated results to avoid missed mentions? With innovative features like Speechmatics' Custom Dictionary, you can.

We've enabled media companies to add context-specific words in real-time. This means that however a brand is mentioned, companies can locate it in all manner of different guises.

Our aim is to put you in a position where the customers you serve never miss a mention. We can also enable you to help them understand context, so they're best placed to make the right call with their next action.

4) Aim for Efficiency 🎯

Can you dramatically reduce PR time and admin? Regarding pre-recorded media transcription for Media Monitoring, we've got you covered. Speechmatics' engine can process hour-long files in under 5 minutes to streamline your efficiency. We've made integration easy with a variety of deployment options to suit you.

And now, with our new speech capabilities of Sentiment and Topics, you can see how people feel about new campaigns, the latest market trends, and new terms and brands.

Make the Right Move Today 💪

With Speechmatics, you'll never miss a mention.

Analyze public, social, and editorial media content with a single API that accurately transcribes, translates, and provides sentiment analysis and topic detection from spoken media.

We believe in accuracy balanced with speed. By delivering best-in-class speech technology across 50 languages, you can offer Media Monitoring solutions to stand head and shoulders above your competitors.

And if we don't cover your location, let us know and we can build it. We spin up new languages in weeks using self-supervised learning.

Still not convinced? Speechmatics is a proud member of FIBEP, the world's largest Media Intelligence association, focused on providing enterprise-scale solutions in the field of media monitoring. We're helping dozens of Media Intelligence companies transcribe and monitor media in real-time and in 50 languages. Let us show you what we can do.

Book a meeting today with a Media Monitoring & Intelligence specialist and we'll give you the tools you need to differentiate your Media Monitoring solutions in the market and help you deliver on constantly evolving customer expectations.